Oh! Jesus…Continue To Walk Amongst Us…

Holiest of the holies, Holy Christmas is back again. It is time to celebrate the advent of Mother Mary’s Holy Bundle Of Bliss, the birth of Baby Jesus. As we run into the Festive Day, what do we have for The Chosen One, what prayer we have for Him, Who in His devotional surrender became one with His Holy Father, only to show the mankind what life is and how it should be lived in His Name… becoming one with Him. A poetic offering by Sri Jullie Chaudhuri on the festive eve.

Oh! Sweet Jesus,
Continue to walk amongst us,
What an eternal legend You spun,
Having proclaimed –
I and My Father are One,
Thus, Lord Jesus, we beseech,
Be seen, be heard, be experienced,
So that in all hearts may be revived…
…the surge and flow of Thy Compassion…
…the Eternal Compassion of Christ.

Oh! Precious Jesus,
Lead us on,
Into ‘that’ dawn,
Where the meek do not feel hopeless…
…helpless and armless,
Where those humble need not be crestfallen…
…deflated, hapless nor ‘all spent’ and breathless,
Nor demoralised,
At the receiving end of those…
…riding high on senseless, callous ego and…
…curt care-less pride,
Where the virtuous and upright,
And those who want to harmoniously unite…
…do not face a great divide…
At the hands of vested interests…
…who for the sake of selfish gains do conflicts fuel and ignite,
Earth so needs Thy Light,
Dear Jesus…
With Thy Glorious Benediction…
…And Blessed Sanction may the mind of man be purified,

Going on,
To radiate Thy Kindred Harmony…Thy Mercy,
The Boundless Harmony and Mercy of Christ.

Oh! Jesus, Divine Shepherd,
Beloved Son of God,
Shower a generous sprinkling of Thy Tender Grace,
Chaperon the human race,
Away from the violence of weapons…
…the gun and the sword,
As well as all that is brutal and heartless,
Beyond the murky darkness…
…of hatred, hostility and animus,
Oh! Beautiful Jesus,
Continue to walk amongst us,
Brother, Friend and Guide,
Fill the human psyche with Thy Heart and Love…
…The Superlative and Selfless Heart and Love of Christ.

Oh! Jesus,
Supreme and Flawless,
Stir and arouse us all to the true spirit of Christmas,
Where humankind ascends to be steadfastly kind,
Where giving and forgiving is never confined…
…but maximised,
Where from food and water none are denied,
Where the maxim of ‘live and let live’ is idealised,
Where beliefs retain the origin flow of tolerance, camaraderie, kinship…
…the affinity and harmony of oneness…
…and not radicalised,
Where those good, generous, gentle, trusting…
…and noble are not crucified,
Oh! Sweet Jesus,
Lord at Birth,
May each of us find You by our side,
Walking alongside,
Through Thy Presence may our transformations be intensified,
Awaken earth beings here and now to qualities divine…
To Love All, Serve All…Help Ever Hurt Never,
From merely existing…to a life and living truly sanctified,
Rising to Thy Peace and Amity…
…sympathy, benevolence, goodwill and magnanimity…
…The Luminescent Magnanimity and Goodwill of Christ.

II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II