I Know You…

What does the llittle ‘i’ know…what does it comprehend, the most…? …it confesses of not knowing much, of many worldly things…but knowing Him…Beloved Sathya Sai is what it cherishes…whispering, knowing Him makes a difference to all else… a poem from Sri Jullie Chaudhuri.

I Know,
A misty mystery,

Unknown yet known,
Within reach,
Beyond speech,

Evermore do I cherish,
This feeling,
That ceaselessly does ensue,

Indeed blessed am I,
Beloved Mother Sai,

That I Know,
I know You… 

As Such,
About many things,
I don’t know much,
But I know,
Your sweet loving touch,
I only know this much,
Life took on a wondrous hue,
With Your Divine debut,
I know I am,
Only because of You,
Enough for me, Beloved Mother Sai,
That I know,
I know You…

I know fate blessed me,
With fortune immense,
A permanent wide-angled lens,
A panoramic view,
Within me of You,
An abundance too,
The only thing of significance,
In the frequently chaotic,
And randomly mundane,
Superficial, dilute and insane,
Worldly, foggy and dense,
That makes any sense,
Is knowing You,
I confess I don’t know much,
But I do know this much,
I know You make a difference to all else,
Knowing You is the difference,
And so, Beloved Mother Sai,
Suffice it is for me,
I know You…

I know there is more,
This feeling continues to grow,
A misty mystery,
Unknown yet known,
Within reach,
Beyond speech,

I know that feeling,
Swimming in a fathomless Ocean,
An infinite Sea,
An unveiling of secrets consciously,
Oh! So subtly,
I know only You can do so,
As we trust and let go,
Faith and Patience in the Flow,
For the Flow is You,
And I know You,
And what is more,
Is that,
I know You know me…
Ah! Eventually,
All that matters is that,
I know You,
…And I know You know me too…
Oh! Beloved Mother Sai,
With this bliss,
You did me bless immeasurably,
Enormously, Vastly, Colossally,

 That I know You,
…And I know You know me too…
My Precious Mother Sai,
I know You know this too,
I know You know…
…I love You…
And I know You love me too…
I know You do,
I Know You… 

II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II