Hadshi – A Destiny Ornate…Eternally Portrayed…

It was October 28, 2009… the day when Hadshi ‘earned’ a date with Destiny… a date with Divinity Supreme…. Avatar Incarnate Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai set His Foot on the Pune – Hadshi soil on that wondrously – Divinely – filled day… The long waiting of the blushing bride, for the Supreme One to embrace ‘her’… it is time to relive the momentous moments in the history of the Peshwa City, Pune and Hadshi…  Reliving those moments, writes Sri Jullie Chaudhuri from Pune…

Up until October 2009,
This land was just a microscopic speck…
…in the Cosmic Wilderness…
The Supreme Absolute finally chose to shower,
His Ultimate Largesse…
And so,
Even as Hadshi fervently prayed…
So too…
…the hills and the valleys…
…flora and fauna…
…the lakes and rivulets…
…each grain of soil,
…sang on an irresistible song…
…meandering through the ether…
… gushing along…
…of feelings a magnificent cascade…
Joyous sentiments did parade…
…settling at the Lotus Feet in a sublime embrace…

Indeed eloquent were the lines of the invite -
‘We wait with bated breath and eager eyes,
To feel Your Presence, to worship Your every stride,
We strive for Your blessing, Your Divine Grace,
We long to hear Your sweet Voice,
And catch a glimpse of Your loving Face,
Please come, Bhagawan and answer our intense call,
Come, Oh! Mother Sai and be one with us all…’

Many Decades…
…had witnessed Pune pine and persistently persuade…
Myriad appeals within adoring hearts…
…did once again Mother Sai cajole and serenade,
Emotions brimming over were openly displayed,
The invitation for a visit was fragrantly sprayed,
It reached the ever Effulgent One,
And with intense clarity explicitly conveyed -
‘Come, Oh! Supreme Beloved,
Oh! Cherished One…You must know,
It is You we have always longed for…
It is only You…
…Whom we await…’
The Source of Compassionate graciously acquiesced…
…and Hadshi exulted feeling so blessed…
…at this rare boon of fate…
Celebrate, celebrate, celebrate,
This joy, this elation, this bliss will never evaporate,
Oh! To be linked with the Cosmic Beloved,
Whom the Universe did adore and venerate,
A destiny so ornate…
…divinely chiseled and engraved,
In the pages of history…
…in letters of gold…
…eternally portrayed…

II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II