
As Bhagawan quite often reminds, human life is nothing but, reaction, reflecton, resound…that it is time for man to understand this, striving on, ‘endeavouring’ to follow His dictum of Love All, Serve All, Help Ever, Hurt Never writes Sri Jullie Chaudhuri.

Each time i get angry…
…i contribute to the violence in the world,
Each time i breathe, exude and expand in love…
…upon creation a unique frequency of joy is unfurled,
The outer is nothing but a reflection of what is within…
Why not radiate kindred harmony…
…and help usher in an everlasting season…
…of a wondrously fragrant Eternal Spring…?
With the Master’s Message let us wholly identify…
…let life be a hymn offered adoringly to Beloved Mother Sai…
Whatever, whenever, whoever…
Human, plant, bird, animal or aquatic creature…
…under no circumstances deter…
…with open arms…unhesitatingly tender a shelter…
Purposefully strive on…
…to forever -
Love All, Serve All…Help Ever, Hurt Never…

II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II