Paschim Banga (West Bengal) Parthi Yatra

Over 200 youth from the North Eastern State of Paschim Banga arrived in Prasanthi Nilayam on 13 Dec 2011 for a 3 day prilgrimage to the Divine Abode. The youth got the opportunity to perform a music programme in the Divine Presence, this evening. After the state vice president, Sri Sujit Prasal Lahiri offered a flower to Bhagawan, the narrator, Sri Brijesh Bamalwa presented the youth to Bhagwan and expressed his deep gratitude for the opportunity.

They presented a bouquet of six songs commencing with a song on His Works and fittingly concluding with a song of Resolve, inspiring one and all to face all obstacles and tread the path directed by Him. Praying to him to bless all to become His worthy instruments and torch bearers of His Divine Mission, they drew the programme to a close.

Clothes were distributed to all the participants and even as Prasadam was shared with the entire assembly.