Let’s Unite In Prayer For Uttarakhand…

A prayer is powerful; a prayer with an intent is more powerful and a prayer with an intent and intensity is all the more powerful…when a prayer with an intent, intensity couples with sincerity and selflessness it travels straight unto Him, The Supreme Godhead, for Him to unleash His power to do the needful…when the North India, especially the state of Uttarakhand received the wrath of nature’s fury, causing wide-spread distruction and threat to humans, livestock and properties, like minded simpletons around the world can join hands in prayer chanting Bhagawan’s panacea for Universal Peace, Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu…an earnest appeal to humanity.


Right at this moment our Beloved Motherland is reeling under the wrath of Mother Nature.

The devastation that has occurred at Uttarakhand has affected every nook and corner of India, since pilgrims from all over the country were visiting this most picturesque ‘Dev Bhoomi’ to pay their homage.

Families from different states are either severely shaken, apprehensive, anxious, immensely frantic, exceedingly sorrowful or painfully bereaved.

Man’s folly…selfish pursuits, greed, overindulgence and gross excesses has led to an excessive burdening upon the fragile ecosystem of the Himalayan foothills.

Extreme disrespect and irreverence of all things divine…of the elements five…of the environment…of creation…has contributed to this distressingly grave situation…this horrific episode of havoc.

Thousands are facing personal bereavement and are grief stricken. There has been a tremendous loss of lives – human and animal…as well as unimaginable mass destruction of ghastly kinds…dreadfully alarming…that has left multitudes orphaned, childless, homeless, hungry, lost and engulfed in a dark void.

It is time to pause…to reach out and make an attempt to alleviate all this heartache, misery and angst. It is also time to salute and appreciate the selfless, untiring efforts of those distinct entities – Army/IAF/ITBP personnel and civilians…who are putting their lives at risk to save those in peril.  The weather is still playing truant hampering relief measures. 

If at this time, we, as individuals, cannot be physically present to assist in the rescue operations…we certainly can remedy the situation by intense collective prayers.

Every drop makes an ocean…so too, every sincere syllable will make a difference. It is the intent and intensity that counts.

Let us seek forgiveness on behalf of humanity, pledge to reform, pray for Divine Grace to posthaste embrace Uttarakhand…let us pray for solace and reprieve for those facing bereavement…and peace for the souls that have passed on.

Let us pray to and for that Cherished Presence to emerge and make sense out of all that is happening on Earth today.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, let us unite and recite ‘Samastha Lokaah Sukhino Bhavantu’…‘Samastha Jeeva Sukhino Bhavantu’…for, this cosmic chant given to us by Beloved Bhagavan, is so selfless and true…so wide and vast in its reach.

When we arise each morn…even as we offer the day to our dear Lord…let this chant be intoned by our lips and echo in our hearts. So too, every evening as we opt to end the day with gratitude, let this prayer resound in every cell of our being, as well as permeate the ether through.

Dear ones, starting today, light a candle/lamp, sit alone or with loved ones and chant aloud ‘Samastha Lokaah Sukhino Bhavantu’… ‘Samastha Jeeva Sukhino Bhavantu’…a minimum of 21 times…or as many times as your inner self guides you to… and while doing so, with the intent of harmony…visualize the region facing this colossal catastrophe being bathed in love and grace divine.  

Come, let us individually reach in and collectively reach out with the pulsating rhythm of peace for all… ‘Samastha Lokaah Sukhino Bhavantu’… ‘Samastha Jeeva Sukhino Bhavantu’…

Oh! Beloved Mother Sai…Most Loving Compassionate Lord, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba…may serenity, calm and tranquility be soon restored in Garhwal Himalaya…so also to every suffering heart and each anguished soul.

II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II