“Little” Darling…a Tribute to Sai Gita…

On 22nd May 2007 Sai Gita’s soul chose to fly free…to continue to ring out its melody…in the etheric sky…to merge forever with Beloved Mother Sai… Living her life full, with one-pointed devotion to Mother Sai, this Little Princess had left her footprints in the heart of her Beloved Bhagawan and in the hearts of devotees around the world, with lessons galore from her ‘Ideal Life…’This particular poem…a tribute to Sai’s Gita…sketches a rapport so wondrous…an association totally harmonious…an affinity exalted…sublime…unique and deserving. These are words that openly applaud and honour a rare, noble soul who fulfilled the purpose of her birth…who consistently and persistently persevered to nurture and nourish a yearning solely for the Master…deeply knowing that true worth lay only at the Beloved One’s precious Lotus Feet…
On Tuesday, 22nd May 2007, Sai Gita chose to transcend…ascend…and blissfully fly…across realms…together forever…with her Beloved Mother Sai… a poem from the pen of Sri Jullie Chaudhuri.

Oh! Is it true…?
The Master, the Lord of the Universe,
Had tears in His Lotus eyes?
Indeed, what a surprise!

Everything we have experienced of Him,
That He has allowed us to,
…all of it…

…this act…totally defies…

Yet, it is so,
Emotions did flow,
And what did this tremendous flow show?
To what did it open the door?
…fascinating facets for us to know…

Lessons to be learned,
So much to be discerned,
Lessons of kindness, tolerance, compassion,
Acceptance, purity, reciprocation,
And above all, a lesson saturated with love…
For Sai Gita to live…
…this expansive love,
Was more than enough…

She was a gift from the animal kingdom,
To the Lord of the Universe…
…come in Human Form,

Her story unfolded to show,
Especially for Him was she born…
Her life, her focus, her core,
Her everything was -
Swami, Swami, Swami,

And this…
…is quite a lesson for the rest of humanity…

A lesson of an ideal relationship,
Between Creator and Creation,
Of what to choose,
And what to shun,
No other attraction,
And specially no distraction,
Complete absorption,
Reaching a pinnacle of devotion…

A bond so touching,
And a reciprocation so fulfilling,
This grand soul did,
What we humans couldn’t do,
This monumental example,
With matchless devotion as her clue,
Brought glory to the animal kingdom,
And did us all stun…
For she did win,
The heart of the Lord,
…brought tears in the eyes of our Living God,

To wake us up,
A clarion call…

A supreme lesson for us all,
Her life, her love, her devotion,
A most refined…
…well defined…
…lesson for us all,
When Bhagawan came as Sri Rama,
And witnessed the passing of that valiant bird,
He personally performed the last rites,
To highlight,
The glory of Jatayu,
And so too,
…in this magnificent epoch…
…this remarkable Yuga…
…thus it did ensue…
…for Sai Gita there would never be…
…even an iota of rue…
…she received a benediction…
…so divinely true…
Her soul would perennially dance…
…in a Cosmic Rendezvous…
…the Lord’s Heart…
…was now to be her everlasting venue…
For without much ado…
…from the self-same Divine Hands,
Of this,
The Supreme Being’s present Avataric Debut,
Sai Gita got her befitting due,
And a Divine Adieu…

II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II