My Sai… My Baba… My Beloved Sai Baba…

28th of September was the day heralding the Advent Of Sai Baba Of Shirdi…familiarly known around the world as the Fakir Of Shirdi…The Lord Who dwelled in a Mosque calling it Dwarakamai, His Chosen Abode On Planet Earth, He Was a symbol of Supreme Simplicity…Purity and Divinity…Who embraced the whole world under His loving protection…casting off all distinctions whatsoever… Celebrating His Advent Sri Jullie Chaudhuri pens a poem calling Him out … Who chose to Come to Parthi From Shirdi …yet again seeking His munificence to bless this world with His Divine Darshan!

Millions refer to Him as -
The Fakir of Shirdi…
Shirdi Sai -
Whose Presence did and does all spheres,
Supremely sanctify…
The One Who referred to a Mosque…
…as Dwarakamai…
Solidarity, accord, unity this did certify,
Residing therein…
His love perennially embraced all…
…none did He forsake or deny…
Such was the abundant mercy of Sai…
At Dwarakamai…
Even as flames of the dhuni blazed high…
A sight that did one eternally gratify… 

So distinctly appealing and marvelously sublime,
At all times…through any kind of clime…
…all beings were welcome…
…all beings that dwelt upon the earth…
…inhabited the oceans…even those that did fly…
…in the wide, wide expanse of the blue, blue sky…
Pronouncing a conscious communication…
A Divine indication…
…going beyond the shackles of division…
…that do peace, goodwill and amity compress…
A significant call for kindred Oneness…
Where the mind is without fear,
And the head is held high…
…a joyous Cosmic blessing from the Supreme Source…
The Formless Absolute as It chose…
To condense, concretise, compose…
…epitomise and manifest -
The delightful appearance and form of Sai…

Grace that would take one from darkness…
…brought on by the narrow confines,
Of worthless barriers and boundaries…

…to being free and boundless…
Thus so,
With the benevolence of harmony…
…humanity He chose to bless…

Alas! The maze of -
I, Me and Mine…
…the entanglement of vainglory…
…with worldly twine…
Ensnared the human race once again…
Injudiciously human beings did…
…this magnanimous benediction…
Doubt, discredit, disregard and decline…

Oh! Father, Oh! Baba,
Oh! Sai,
Oh! My dearly cherished Sai Baba,
Kindly accept loving salutations offered earnestly…
…at Thy precious petal soft Lotus Feet…
Oh! Beloved Shirdi Sai…
With adoration replete…
…each breath does eagerly greet…
Who is seated in every heartbeat…
…Your Presence within does verify…
Loving Sai…
That my essence continuously assumes…
…the silhouette of Dwarakamai…

And so, Dear Father…
Beloved, Beloved Baba…
…my soul You are…
…You remain therein so close within…
…even as the holy Dwarakamai.
Its glory does enhance and magnify…
…in accordance with the Divine Forecast,
Its substance amplify…
…intently extending its limitless reach…
Thus consequently and rather appropriately,
An identical profile…
…did mystically and fragrantly blossom forth…
A parallel contour empowered to purify…
…even so the Universe to fortify -
Prashanti Nilayam…Yajur Mandir…
…is the terrain…where You…
The Beloved One of Shirdi…
…chooses to reside in Your present…
…most powerful and mystifying Advent as Sathya Sai…

Come, Dear Father…
…on this sacrosanct day of Your Shirdi Advent…
From Pathri…to Shirdi…
And then to Parthi…
We, Your children pray wholeheartedly…
…for release…
…from the menacing fangs of delusion…
…arising from all that is illusory…
Come, dear Baba…
Grant us that glimpse of reality…
Nothing else holds any appeal whatsoever…truly…
…the soul longs and yearns for You visibly…
Come, sweet loving Baba…
…lest we languish and perish…
…characters and personalities…

…conquered, overcome and demolished,
 Tainted and tarnished,
With many a blemish…
…grant us that Divine Sight…
…Come and command evil to permanently exit…
Come, Lord Sai…
…direct goodness to incessantly flourish,
With the fulfillment of Your Word…
…all life embellish…
The Kingdom of Truth restore…refurbish and reestablish…

Oh! Baba…Baba…Baba…

Your name echoes…
And resounds in every cell of the being…
…in every breath that does longingly sigh -
Shirdi Sai…Parthi Sai…
Mother Sai…
My Dear, Dear, Dearly Beloved Baba…
My most Adoringly Cherished Sai…
My Sai Baba…
My Sai…
Come, Sai…
We, Thy children await Thee…
…and Thy immeasurable horizon…
…Thy cosmic-hued singularly exotic spectrum…
…Thy solitary, incomparably matchless rhythm…
…Thy Will and Thy Kingdom…
Sai Thy Kingdom Come…
Sai Thy Will Be Done…
Come, My Sai…My Baba…My Beloved Sai Baba…

II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II