Nethi Karthavyam… Drama by AP-TS Youth, Alumni…

The Sai Youth in association with the State Alumni enacted a Dance Drama entitled ‘Neti Karthavyam’ this penultimate evening of the ongoing AP-TS Parthi Yatra here, in Prasanthi Nilayam today. The programme also featured an enthralling ‘straight-from-the-heart’ speech by Shri Dinkar Kadam, an alumnus of SSSIHL.

The session commenced at 1650 hrs with Shri Kadam’s speech, which was a smooth blend of English and Telugu.

Transporting the audience into the incomparable-nostalgic-golden past of the early nineties, the rollicking student days with Bhagawan, the speaker narrated some of his most astounding experiences, spent as a student at Bhagawan’s Lotus Feet.

“Ask…and it will be given,” said Shri Kadam narrating how he as a student successfully reaped the best under His Feet, often watching Bhagawan from close quarters. History will remember the ‘White Army’ of students and sevadals, he said in a tone of conviction while quoting Bhagawan’s voice of ‘commitment’ from one of the private interviews, ‘If you do the work the way I want, I will do your work in My way.” He was vivid, live and full of wit and could capture the imagination of the audience, transporting them to the ‘bliss illimited’ phase of Sri Sathya Sai.

The drama presentation “Nethi Karthavyam” followed next.

The presentation in two alternating scenes, with Kali stoically pursuing his might, while on the other hand, the wise men discussing and interpreting the Sai Way of tackling the Kali influence, weeding out the six vices, depicted the reality of the day most beautifully and convincingly. The final scene saw the Sai Youth bursting into celebrations, singing and dancing ‘Jai Vijayee Bhava…’

The presentation rightfully summarises that the Advent of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Avatar does not end with His physical departure…His Mission surges on…

Bhajans followed next, concluding with an alluring ‘Chitta Chora Yasoda Ke Bal…’ in Bhagawan’s voice. Mangala Arathi at 1820 marked the end of the proceedings.

II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II