Will We Pay Heed To Him???

He spoke not once, but time and time again, exhorting man to follow the path of righteousness, so that he will one day be eligible to inherit His Glory, His true legacy. A ‘Sailent’ reminder for you and me from The Supreme Voice Of Eternity.

Man must crave for the vision of God; then only is he entitled to the status of humanness. Manava (human) must reach Madhava (God Supreme). He must conquer the mind. Manava (human) is the ruler of manas (mind), not its slave. Who takes the role of educator from the beginning of your life…? The mother, is it not? Nature or Prakriti is the Mother, the feminine principle, the Maya (Goddess Of Illusion). She is the great teacher. If you do not learn the lessons well, nature punishes you, boxes you in the ear, hits you on the hand. She is a stern merciless instructress; but, if you learn well, she will lead you proudly to the presence of Purushotthama (ideal person – God Supreme). Obey Prakriti (nature) and be well trained by Her, then you can inherit the glory of Purushotthama (ideal person – God Supreme) . If you disregard Her teaching, the Mother gets disgusted with you and the Father too will disregard your entreaties. The command of Prakriti (nature) given for your good are called Dharma (righteousness). Have the Dharma (righteousness) as the witness of all your thoughts, words and deeds. Be guided every instant by the dictates of that Dharma (righteousness), and success will be yours.

Little children must be taught with the help of big letters scrawled on boards and slates. Temple images and Saligrams (fossilized shell with Divine ‘Vishnu’ Potency) are the slates and boards for the children in spiritual progress. But, even if you play with a toy elephant you cannot get the experience of contacting live elephant, can you? The Formless Godhead can be understood by you only when you have rendered yourself Formless! When you are in the world of gunas (virtues), you have to attach yourself only to a Saguna (manifested God) Lord.

II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II