Prasanthi Gears Up For Yet Another Christmas…

With the Christmas week arrived, Prasanthi is vibrant with a thick western populace rejoicing every single moment preparing to celebrate the holy advent in the Ultimate Divine Presence.

In Prasanthi, Christmas always adorns a special colour. There are no folks and no country, it is Western and Western Carols for Christmas that has always been the main attraction. Christmas is the when “westerners” get a chance to strut their stuff for their Beloved Swami. In fact, westerners, devotees from overseas, get to have their hands on everything related to Christmas. The term ‘westerner’ get a different meaning and should be viewed from a broad global perspective.

While the International Western Choir has been gearing up singing and sweetening ‘their’ love for The Lord, ably guided by Ms Gisela Sebastian from Germany, little children from various overseas countries also have been practising under ever familiar Alma Badings from the Netherlands. This time the it is Newzealand that is blessed to decorate the ‘House Of The Lord’ leading to the Christmas Day.

II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II