Archive for May, 2012

LIFE – Love Infinite Free Eternal…
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
What is LIFE all about? Is it a casual occurrence to live and exist without leaving an imprint? or does it have any greater connotations? L-I-F-E is Love Infinite Free Eternal, a whispered Secret from the Creator perfectly echoed by Mother Nature. Memories are wonderful, of the beauty of Life with Bhagawan, living it perfectly as exhibited by Him, learning and discerning, granting LIFE its fullest meaning… a poem from the pen of Ms. Jullie Chaudhuri. read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically
Dance and Choir light up Buddha Purnima Celebrations
Monday, May 7, 2012
The evening session of Buddha Purnima Celebrations commenced with Vedas by devotees from Zone 5 led by the Japanese delegation who have impressed Bhagawan on various occasions with their diligent learning of the Vedas. read more »
Posted in Prasanthi News
Buddha Purnima Celebrations Begin
Monday, May 7, 2012
Love and Compassion is the theme of this year’s Buddha Purnima Celebrations in Prasanthi Nilayam attended by devotees from Japan , Taiwan , Korea, Hong Kong, Bhutan, Nepal, Thailand, Sri Lanka, China, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore and Indonesia. read more »
Posted in Prasanthi News

Easwaramma Day Commemoration
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Bhagawan has often been heard to tell the words, “Do I need to invite you to your own mother’s house?” There is no power as magnetic as Mother’s love. No wonder then that thousands thronged the Easwaramma – Pedda Venkama Raju Samadhi Mandir on the holy occasion of Easwaramma day. The programme started at 0800hrs simultaneously in both Sai Kulwant Hall and Samadhi Mandir with Vedam and Bhajans respectively. read more »
Dr. Dwaram Lakshmi exalts Divine Mother
Sunday, May 6, 2012
“I am installed where ever My Glory is sung”, is a time tested declaration of Bhagawan and which has been experienced by His devotees across the world. With that theme in mind, Dr. Dwaram Lakshmi accompanied by read more »
Posted in Prasanthi News
Easwaramma’s Love spreads warmth
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Bhagawan has often been heard to tell the words, “Do I need to invite you to your own mother’s house?” There is no power as magnetic as Mother’s love. No wonder then that thousands thronged read more »
Posted in Prasanthi News

The Assurance
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see, trusting in one’s Inner Self and the Word of God. But how many of us have this unflinching faith, that, in trying circumstances we do not fumble and perish? When a devotee takes that one step, surrendering and following Him diligently, He may take him to the nadir testing his mettle, but not before taking those extra steps to bail him out of trouble. Narrating a beautiful story from the banks of Holy Ganges, Prof. Kasturi writes: So, have faith in the Assurance of the Lord; when He says, “why fear, I am here…extracted from December 1962 issue of Sanathana Sarathi. read more »
Posted in Sai Spiritual Showers

I Am your Razaak…
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
For the genuine seeker in Prof. Abdul Razaak Banurao Korbu who had faith in Bhagawan but not in His power to materialise, Bhagawan went an extra-mile demonstrating how genuine He is…a thrilling story from the Interview Room as chronicled in Sathyam Sivam Sundaram – Vol 5. read more »
Posted in Divine Foot Prints

All Glory Unto The Mother Of God…
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Who is Easwaramma? She is the mother of Easwara, said Bhagawan discoursing about the most privileged mother upon planet earth, whose supreme destiny to carry ‘God’ in physical in her womb would ever remain unmatched. Sacrificing her claim upon her ‘Bundle Of Joy’ for the sake of humanity, the simple rustic illiterate mother hailing from Puttaparthi often stayed away from the limelight, astutely following Him with a heart full of love and devotion. Looking back into ‘His Story’, while dwelling upon the beauty of this tender hearted Chosen Mother of Beloved Mother Sai, let’s join Ms. Jullie Chaudhuri singing this Supreme Mother’s glory, remembering Her on the occasion of Easwaramma Day, coming up on 6th May. read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically

Legend Of Pure Love, A Tribute in Mumbai
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Artistes, Thespians, Corporate Leaders, Administrators and Members of Government vied with each other to reminisce and pay tributes to Sri Sathya Sai Baba on the morning of 1st May at Royal Turf club grounds, Mahalaxmi, Mumbai.Titled “Legend of Pure Love”, Mumbai saw an outpouring of Love among the men and women who packed every inch of available space of the extensive lawns of the Royal Turf club grounds on the blessed evening. read more »
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