Archive for the ‘Indelible Impressions’ Category

For Bhagawan And The Brahmand…
Saturday, May 30, 2015
What better offering can a devotee make than to pray for His entire creation, by chanting most selflessly His Cosmic Chant, Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu…How humans should understand that they are channels of abundance, channels of peace and channels of light, to light up the whole of His creation…working most selflessly with a expansive heart.. On this epochal year of 90th Year Of His Advent, let’s continue with His mission, chanting Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu…an inspiring writing from Sri Jullie Chaudhuri. read more »
Posted in Divine Foot Prints, Indelible Impressions, Lest We Forget

“That is My job; I will do that”
Friday, May 29, 2015
How gritty are you in the face of problems upsetting the rhythm of your day-to-day life? … and what is your Faith Quotient, that could help in times of adversities… a beautiful narration of a personal experience by Smt Karunamba Ramamurthy in the book Sri Sathya Sai Anandadai is a lesson for you and me, lesson on Faith and Surrender. read more »
Posted in Bond Of Love, Divine Foot Prints, Indelible Impressions, Sai Spiritual Showers

The Soul Is Aware Only Of This…
Thursday, April 23, 2015
HE Is verily The Breath Of Prasnthi… The Breath of entire humanity… The Breath of all beings… The Breath of entire creation… as HE Is verily The Source Of Eternity… Sri Sathya Sai Who chose to withdraw His physical frame hitherto on this day, 24th April, four years ago, is living with us… in us as our Soul Entity, guiding and guarding us… in seeking this Sri Sathya Sai one is sure seeking his or her own redemption, for Sathya Sai is verily THAT!!! Sri Jullie Chaudhuri reflects on the Beauty Beyond Compare, seeking many encores of the everlasting enchanting Divine beauty… read more »
Posted in Divine Foot Prints, His Darshan - The Beauty Beyond Compare!, Indelible Impressions, Reflections, Straight From The Heart

My Task Is This…
Monday, April 13, 2015
67 years ago, when Bhagawan was just over twenty years of age, He wrote a very revealing and inspiring reply to a devotee, who was perturbed by adverse talk by aimless tattered tongues, attempting to tarnish the Divine image. Pacifying the agitating mind Bhagawan responded, explaining His Task and His Divinity. The letter was dated 25th May 1947. read more »
Posted in Indelible Impressions, Lest We Forget, Love All Serve All, Reliving Timeless Memories, Sadhana - The Inward Path, Sai Spiritual Showers, Sathya Sai Speaks, Sathyam Sivam Sundaram

Greater Heaven’s GIFT called Sathya Sai Darshan
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
What is the supreme significance of Sri Sathya Sai Darshan??? God descends every time to help ascend man to his original state of Godhood. …And the ‘Supreme-Most’ Avatar’s descend in the most crucial phase of human history, in the history of time, when the Kalipurusha waging a stormy-battle in royal raging fume, is not just another descend… His was (is) The Descend Of All Descends… and He Is The Avatar Of All Ages… and The Avatar Of All Avatars…He Is The Supreme One Who has come to vanquish the evil, the almost unstoppable barrage of wicked propensities of Kali, to restore His creation back in the track…. and That One can only be expressed with the best of all superlatives… One Who Is InCredible… InExplicable… InScrutable… read more »
Posted in His Darshan - The Beauty Beyond Compare!, Indelible Impressions, Lest We Forget, Reflections, Reliving Timeless Memories, Straight From The Heart

Defending Mother India…
Thursday, January 22, 2015
India, the magical land of great spiritual inheritance, is hailed by Bhagawan umpteen times, teaching the students and devotees of the greater glory of Motherland India. How Bhagawan delivered a ‘pep talk, a Divine discourse to the Army personnel at Army Service Corps Centre for South India, raising the spirits of the warriors, blessing them with Divine Assurance of victory for every Truthful… Righteous attempt in the name of Mother India…!?!?!? Extracted from Bhagawan’s Divine discourse on Jan 5, 1973. read more »
Posted in Indelible Impressions, Sathya Sai Speaks, Straight From The Heart

Letter to Beloved Mother Sai…
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
At a time when Beloved Bhagawan chose to enact a Divine Drama, by Himself spending 28 days at the SSSIHMS, before leaving His physical frame, the world around was engaged in incessant prayers, not to ignore the sentient world of animal, bird and creature kingdom…and many other world where humans eyes cannot pierce to grasp…How beautifully a human heart can perceive His Avataric Frame, taking it as a wholesome representation of the Cosmic Entity…His Created Universe…? Sri Jullie Chaudhuri wrote a beautiful letter, on 9 April 2011, addressing the Cosmic Creator, pleading Him to forgive on behalf of all of His children…Read on…
Posted in Indelible Impressions, Lest We Forget, Straight From The Heart

Yes, I Am The Cosmic Christ
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Peggy Mason is a well known name in Sai circles…she was an actress in her young days, and a well-known writer later. During the second half of her life, she had been writing on spiritual and metaphysical themes, for renowned journals like Two Worlds. She and her husband Ron are spirit-minded and past seventy, they both came to India, to see Bhagawan in 1978. read more »
Posted in Divine Foot Prints, Indelible Impressions, Reflections

Ananya Bhakti…
Monday, November 10, 2014
How many of us do get immersed in the melodic, enchanting music of Sai Krishna’s flute, completely intoxicated, forgetting our own selves??? Bhagawan narrates the essence of true, unparalleled devotion…Ananya Bhakthi… From Bhagawan’s Divine discourse at Abbotsbury, Chennai, on 19 Jan 1986. read more »
Posted in Indelible Impressions, Sadhana - The Inward Path, Sai Spiritual Showers, Sathya Sai Speaks, Sathyam Sivam Sundaram, Storytime With Baba, Straight From The Heart

Mahatma Guru Nanak…
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Nowadays, if the children ask any questions about the aspect of Brahma, the parents will curb such curiosity by saying that they should not waste their time. They are told to think of such things only after getting old. Today, many people who are preaching the aspect of Brahman will go nowhere because they are subservient to the worldly desires. There is a small story here. On the occasion of Guru Nanak Jayanti today, a Guru Nanak story from Bhagawan. read more »
Posted in Indelible Impressions, Reflections, Sai Spiritual Showers, Straight From The Heart